Craftsmanship | Contest Yachts


    On deck you’ll see the craftsmanship in the sculptural shaping and polished welds of the sturdy stainless steel railings, and in the detailed, precision patterning of the thick laid teak deck vacuum bonded for longevity. You’ll enjoy the beautiful shaping of the composite mouldings perhaps unaware of the complexity in creating such contours.  Below in the well thought layout it’s everywhere you turn, in the seamless grain-matched joinery, the hand stitching of turned corners for the settee cushions, and what’s actually in and under those cushions to maximise comfort and durability. The list goes on. 

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    Through and through

    Less glamorous, but no less important in this practice, are the boat’s hidden systems, the electrics and electronics, pumps, engine, generator, complex hydraulics. All installed with pre-planned care, minimising noise and vibration, all clearly routed, labelled and sited for optimised access. Conforming with strict international classification standards, equipment is invariably highly specified, and in larger craft vital signs can be computer-monitored automatically. Classification societies welcome such systems which make yachts safer and simpler to service. For owner and crew the benefits are clear, too.

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